Temp Service Agreement

A temp service agreement, also known as a temporary staffing agreement, is a contract between a staffing agency and a company that needs temporary workers. These agreements are beneficial for both parties, as they provide the company with temporary workers without the need for extensive recruiting efforts and provide the staffing agency with a steady stream of business. When drafting a temp service agreement, there are several essential terms to include to ensure a clear understanding between the parties.

Scope of Work

The agreement should outline the scope of work to be performed by the temporary workers, including tasks, responsibilities, and hours of work. This section should also include information about the company`s workplace policies and procedures that the temporary workers will need to follow while on the job.

Term of Agreement

The term of the agreement should be specified, as well as the duration of the assignments for each temporary worker. This section should also include provisions for extending or terminating the agreement if necessary.

Payment Terms

Payment terms are crucial to any business agreement, and temp service agreements are no exception. This section should specify the hourly or daily rate for each temporary worker, as well as any additional expenses the company will be responsible for, such as transportation or equipment.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

To ensure the protection of the company`s confidential information, including trade secrets, customer lists, and intellectual property, the agreement should include a confidentiality and non-disclosure clause. Under this clause, the staffing agency and temporary workers agree not to disclose any confidential information they acquire during the course of their work.

Intellectual Property

In some cases, temporary workers may create or develop intellectual property while working for the company. To avoid any disputes, the agreement should include a clause specifying that the company retains ownership of any intellectual property created during the temporary worker`s assignment.


Indemnification is a crucial term to include, as it protects both parties in the event of a lawsuit or claim arising from the temp worker`s assignment. This section should specify which party will be responsible for any damages or expenses incurred and under what circumstances.


In summary, a temp service agreement is an essential document for any company that needs temporary workers. By including the above terms, both the staffing agency and the hiring company can ensure a clear understanding of their respective obligations and protect their interests. As a professional, I recommend including relevant keywords in the article to ensure it ranks high in search engine results pages and reaches the target audience.